Orange salad

Today we are going to show you how to prepare a not so typical dish, but it has settled within the usual recipes from grandma Rosa.

As always, this is an easy recipe that only requires basic ingredients. To prepare a whole bowl of salad you will need:

1 kilo (2 lb) of ripe tomatoes.
2 'table' oranges.
1 tin of tuna.
2 eggs.
Vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

In order to save some time, we will start by boiling the eggs as desired (we recommend hard-boiled).

Boiled eggs
Boiled eggs. Boiling time from left to right: 4 minutes, 7 minutes, 9 minutes. Source: Wikipedia

While the eggs are boiling, we will peel and grate the tomatoes. Carefully use a knife to peel the tomatoes and grate them using a common grater over a deep bowl.
Next, remove as much peel from the oranges as possible. Once the eggs are boiled, peel them and you will get something like this:

Ingredients ready
All the ingredients ready

Once all the ingredients are ready, cut the oranges in small pieces and add them to the grated tomato bowl. Then add the tuna, a pinch of salt and some oil and give it a stir.

Finally, slice the boiled eggs and put them in a small bowl for each person to add it as desired.

Ensalada de naranja
Final result
Bon apetit!

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